Friday, October 19, 2018

Episode 6 - Dracula AKA The Horror of Dracula (1958)

It's the October episode, so for those of us here at Schlock 'Til You Drop, that means it's classic horror month! This time around, we take a modern-day look at the 1958 Hammer classic DRACULA, or, as it's known here in the States, HORROR OF DRACULA. This one features the incomparable Peter Cushing as Van Helsing, and the always wonderful Christopher Lee as the eponymous count. Take a listen, and be sure to stay through the end for our incredible outro music, provided by Danny Archer and Pandagoat Productions!

Friday, September 21, 2018

Episode 5 - Without Warning

After several delays, it's finally here! Check out our take on the 1980 made-for-TV precursor to PREDATOR, WITHOUT WARNING, starring Martin Landau and the incomparable Jack Palance! We discuss the classic story (that of "The Most Dangerous Game), the sixties sensibilities on display, and the broad range of acting ability on display, all in a quest to see how well this old gem holds up today.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Special Edition 2: Interview with Mike Lombardo (I'm Dreaming of a White Doomsday)

For this episode, John had the opportunity to chat with indie writer / director / producer Mike Lombardo at the Scares That Care Charity Weekend about his first feature-length film, I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY. Check it out as Mike discusses the movie's production, his thoughts on remakes, and more!

Special Edition 1: Avengers Infinity War

It ain't schlock, but we do argue that it falls under exploitation, and since we're all three big geeks, we tackled it anyway! Take a listen to our raw reactions to Avengers: Infinity War, barely an hour after walking out of the theater. Fair warning - there be LOTS of spoilers here!

Episode 4 - The Hazing, AKA Dead Scared

This time around, we're going to tackle 2004's "Buffy Episode That Never Was", THE HAZING, also known by its original title, DEAD SCARED, featuring modern-day Scream Queen Tiffany Shepis as well as the very funny Perry Shan and Brad Douriff as the bad guy. Give it a listen, and see if you agree with our opinion, or think we should crawl back under the rocks from which we emerged.

Catching Up and Moving Forward

With everything going on lately, the website has kind of fallen by the wayside. In an effort to correct this, we'll be posting links / embeds to the episodes that for whatever reason never made it on here in the next day or so.

Also, in an effort to better adjust to the insanity of the real world, going forward, we will be moving to a monthly upload schedule, with a few special edition episodes thrown in for good measure. The hope is that eventually we'll be able to go back to our twice-monthly uploads, but for now, this keeps us out there, and gives us time to breathe as well.

Coming up next will be our long-awaited episode on WITHOUT WARNING, followed by October's Classic Horror episode featuring one of the Hammer Films classics, as well as a Halloween special. There are big things still in store, so stay tuned!

Friday, August 10, 2018

The Resurrection is Imminent....

It's been a while, but we're still here!

Just letting everyone know that we ARE indeed coming back, and soon. Life has evened out somewhat, and we'll be releasing our next episode, featuring the classic (term used loosely) WITHOUT WARNING in the next couple of weeks. After that, we have an interview with Mike Lombardo, writer, director, producer, editor, and mastermind behind I'M DREAMING OF A WHITE DOOMSDAY that was recorded during the Scares That Care Charity Weekend, with a review of the movie itself coming (hopefully) by the end of the year.

Stay tuned; like a cockroach, we're not dead yet!